The Full Moon in Gemini occurs at 11:35 PM EST, with the Sun conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 degrees Sagittarius, 28 minutes. Jupiter, ruler of Sag, favorably aspects this lunation at 28 Aquarius. The Galactic download may be of a broader bandwidth. While Jupiter is still in Saturn's house for a few more days, the expansiveness of this alignment will help set our sights on a bigger picture where we write the storyline. Mercury in Capricorn is square to Chiron in Aries, where Jupiter will begin its next retrograde cycle. We may get an understanding of the under-developed strengths that Jupiter will have us grow into. At the same time, Mercury's trine to Uranus in Taurus should allow the communication to be about revolutionizing through stability, or stability through revolution.
Venus is just hours from stationing retrograde, setting the stage to review all that we've built up since last going retrograde, as well as since the last retrograde in Capricorn 8 years. Last time, Venus retrograded from 28 Cap back to 13, nearly conjoined Pluto at 12 degrees Capricorn. This time, Venus starts retrograde one degree past Pluto, will transit over the controlling force for the second time in retrograde motion, and third time. Before the third pass though, Venus will return to 11 degrees of Capricorn and instead of meeting Pluto as in 2014, she will begin to transit with Mars. The station to direct motion will also pick up the information exchange between Mercury and Uranus, broadening the scope of what is being built anew.